Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
If you cannot find the answer you are after, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
Aged & Disability Care
What services are available to seniors?
CORE Community Services offer many services for seniors including; Home Care Packages, Social Support, Home Modifications and Maintenance, Respite, Brokerage and Private Services.
We provide you with individualised care and services so you can receive a service designed specially for you.
What quality of service can I expect?
CORE Community Services provides care and services in a way that meets and exceeds the Home Care Common Standards. We have achieved 100% in the last Government review of national services. CORE Community Services has a comprehensive screening process in place prior to any staff or subcontract can work with you. We have an extensive training program to fully equip our staff with the relevant skills and knowledge to best meet your needs.
What languages do your staff speak?
We have staff that speak many languages including: Arabic, Assyrian, Bosnian, Cantonese, Farsi, Hakka, Italian, Khmer, Lao, Macedonian, Serbian, Spanish, Two Chew, Thai, Vietnamese and other languages on request
What is Carer’s Respite?
You may have a friend or family member who takes care of a loved one so they can live at home. Sometimes, carers may need a break, but find it hard to take some time out from their regular care routine. As a carer you may need some time off for a short period. CORE Community Services provides respite service, letting you and the receiver of care.
What is a home care package?
A Home Care Package provides Government funded services that will help you to remain at home for as long as you can. The Australian Government provides a subsidy to an approved provider towards a package of care, services and case management to meet you individual needs.
Please note, you are required to register through the Australian government’s MyAgedCare in order to obtain your assessed funding towards your needs.
There are four levels:
Level 1 – basic care needs
Level 2 – low level care needs
Level 3 – intermediate care needs
Level 4 – high level care needs
How do I access Home Care Package funding?
Home Care Package Funding can be accessed by My Aged Care
Is there anything that Home Care Packages DO NOT provide?
Yes, some things are excluded.
The package will not pay for payment of home care fees, day-to-day bills, food, rent or mortgage payments, gambling, holidays, home modifications or capital items that are not related to the consumer’s care needs, things already covered by Medicare or Phamaceutical Benefits and programs already funded or subsidised by the Australian Government
What is the difference between Home Care Packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)?
Home Care Packages and CHSP both help you access support in your home and daily life to help manage better at home and improve your well being.
You may be eligible to receive either individual services or CHSP is a tailored pacakage of services such as: entry level support at home. Ongoing or short-term care and support services including planned respite, meals and food preparation, shopping and social support. Only pay for the services you use.
Home Care Packages is a more complex support at home, there are 4 levels of home care packages program.
These are structured to address the level of care you require.
With level 1, providing services to meet basic care needs and level 4 providing support for high care needs.
We also have private services available to all persons and people with a disability aged over 5 years.
Our aged care service needs bilingual staff, do you offer brokerage?
CORE Community Services has a brokerage program to assist other service providers in providing culturally and linguistically responsive service to both seniors and disabled clients.
Yes. We are the leading bilingual aged and disability care service provide in South West Sydney. We can provide our bilingual staff and work with you to provide the best service you require for your clients. This service covers mainly South West Sydney and referrals are subject to availability at the time of referral.
Please contact CORE Community Services, Aged and Disability Care staff on (02) 8717 1500 or email to discuss.
What is the NDIS and how do I access it?
The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme, which is an Australian Government funded support, similar to Medicare. CORE Community Services is an approved registered NDIS provider of disability care services. For more information, please contact our Disability Program Manager Adrian Wong on (02) 8717 1500 or email at
Can you mow my lawn?
Yes! Our Aged and Disability Care Services have contracts with lawn mowing services, to save you time and energy, to give you more freedom to do the things you love.
Children's Services
I haven’t left my child before – what if he/she cries?
The first time you leave your child at the preschool can be difficult for both family and child.
Every child and family is different, we will work with you to develop a settling plan that works for everyone.
We will call you once your child has settled so you know they are okay.
How do I pay fees?
We have a range of options for paying fees, including credit card payments and direct debit. Fees need to be paid in advance.
Our Fee Policy has more information.
My child requires additional needs – how will you support them?
We welcome all children with additional needs and are happy to work with specialists and therapists to help your child reach their potential.
Do I need to pack anything for my child?
Yes, parents/guardians must provide their children with own lunch, backpack, a labelled water bottle, spare clothes. We will provide your child with a hat.
How do I enrol at the preschool?
Please contact us (02) 9727 8723 or email for enrolment.
There are many variations of passages
Children 3.5 – 6years with Health Care Cards daily fee is $13.50
Children 4years – 6 years without Health Care Cards daily fee is $15.00
(Please note these prices are subject to change, please contact us for updated costs)
What ages do you cater for at your preschool?
We cater for children between the age of 3.5 years – 6 years old.
Where is your preschool located?
Our Preschool is located on the Corner of McBurney Road and Railway Parade. Entry to the Preschool is located off Railway Parade, in between the Whitlam Library and CORE Community Services.
Community Centres
Where do your classes/activities/courses take place?
Classes are regularly conducted at Fairfield, Canley Heights, Cabramatta and Mt Pritchard. Depending on the nature of the event/activity, other venues may be used.
How much does it cost to attend a class/event/activity/course?
The cost will depend on the activity, it can be free or it can start with as little as $2 per class.
How is CORE Community Services funded?
CORE Community Services is funded from a range of sources, including Federal, State and Local governments, trusts and philanthropic grants, income generated through our activities and donations.
What do you do with the photos that are taken?
As outlined on the media release consent forms, we hold onto the photos and use this to represent our brand and the services we provide. It is used to promote and assist to further our programs and services we provide to the local community.
I have a problem in my family but I am worried if I see a worker who speaks my language they will tell people in my community about my problem.
We at CORE Community Services have a strong commitment to privacy and confidentiality. Our staff do not talk about the people they are working with in their communities or in other places. Your information will be kept confidential. Staff who break confidentiality are breaking CORE policies and may be disciplined.
If the staff member is worried for your safety or the safety of someone else, we must report our concerns to the relevant agency. This might mean the police or the Department of Family and Community Services.
My English is very bad, can you help me?
Yes – we have staff who speak many different languages. If we don’t have a staff member who speaks your language, we will use the Translating and Interpreting Service – this is free.
Also CORE Community Services runs a number of English classes – please see Calendar for more information.
I don’t read or write English, can you help?
Our Community Engagement runs a multilingual outreach service. This service can be accessed at our Community Centres and you can view the calendar for dates and times and languages. Current languages covered by the team include: Assyrian, Chinese, Persian and Vietnamese. For more information please call (02) 9823 7542 or (02) 9728 4973
I need access to legal aid, can you help?
We can help you by referring you to nearest service that provides Legal Aid service according with your needs.
How do I find out what classes/events/activities/courses you have on?
Please view our Calendar.
Can you mow my lawn?
Yes! Our Aged and Disability Care Services have contracts with lawn mowing services, to save you time and energy, to give you more freedom to do the things you love.
Multicultural Communities
Can you help me pay my electricity bill?
If you are having trouble paying your electricity or gas bill and live in the Fairfield Local Government Area, we receive a small number of vouchers from the government to help. Vouchers can help pay part of the bill and are only for emergencies. Please contact our Cabramatta office for an appointment.
My sister’s husband is hitting her and she doesn’t know what to do – can you help?
Yes – CORE has a Domestic Violence project.
We can help with support, counselling and some financial help. The service is strictly confidential and we support people while they decide what they want to do next.
We also provide information sessions to schools and groups on the issues of domestic violence.
Can you help me find a job?
CORE Multicultural Communities has an Employment, Training and Education project. The project can help individuals with information about employment options, help to write a resume and help to find work. The project also runs a number of different information sessions and training courses.
We work closely with businesses and other organisations and are able to help people with volunteer work, work experience, and traineeships.
We can also help people to get their overseas qualifications recognised in Australia.
How can you help newly arrived refugees and humanitarian entrants?
CORE Multicultural Communities helps people who are newly arrived refugees, humanitarian entrants and migrants. Our funding is focused to support people living in the Fairfield Local Government area who have been in Australia between 6 months and 5 years. We are able to help with one on one support to get information about Centrelink, school for your children, legal advice, health issues and a range of other areas. We run information sessions in different languages on lots of different topics including health and legal issues.
If your situation is a bit complicated, you may be eligible for Complex Case support – please contact us if you want to know more about this service.
What languages do your staff speak?
At the present we have staff that can speak: Arabic, Assyrian, Swahili, Dinka, Mandaean, Nepali, Hindi, Juba Arabic, Serbian, Spanish, Tetun, Krio, Mende, Madingo, Vietnamese, Karen and Burmese.
Youth Services
A young person I care about, or myself, has drug and/or alcohol problems, what can you do?
It is difficult when someone you care about is struggling with drugs and/or alcohol problems. Especially when it is having an effect on the young person’s physical, emotional, social as well as legal and financial well being.
Our drug and alcohol counsellors can assist by listening and providing information about specific needs of the young person in trouble. We provide practical support to sort out the trouble that drug and alcohol has created in the young person’s life. This includes: brokerage, court advocacy, referrals to detox and rehabilitation services, education pathways, employment skills training and relapse prevention.
If you know someone in need of assistance, please make a referral and we will get back to you shortly.
I’m a young person struggling with mental illness, can you help?
We are able to provide you with appropriate referrals to suitable mental health services, focusing on a person centred approach and at the same time always be empathetic of feelings.
I’m a young person at risk of becoming homeless, can you help?
Yes, we can assist by advocating on your behalf and making referrals to services that can provide you accommodation.
Get in touch with us today, we’d love to hear from you.