Media Release: Australia’s migration overhaul must focus on empowering people and communities
Australia’s migration system must continue to place an emphasis on permanent settlement by enabling migrants to reach their full potential and make a valuable contribution to their communities.
CORE Community Services, one of the largest settlement service providers in the Fairfield LGA which takes in the biggest proportion of new arrivals in Australia , has welcomed the overhaul and strategic review of the migration system announced today by the Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security, Clare O’Neil.
The Chief Executive Officer of CORE, Juana Reinoso, said the migration review final report provides a solid framework to build better pathways for migrants and improved connections with communities and services in Australia.
“Immigration plays a key part in the creation of dynamic economies, social cohesion, new cultures, and fresh ways of looking at the world.
“Australia’s migration system has a long history of success, but it is time to look again at how we can facilitate migrant arrival and help to establish the valuable social connections for migrants in the areas where they settle and work.
“Unfortunately, there are still too many new arrivals who struggle through lack of adequate support and the challenge of access to basic services such as housing, healthcare, childcare and education. There is the need for appropriate funding and having the connection to place-based organisations.” Ms Reinoso said.
CORE believes that migration can play a larger role in Australia’s economic and social development, especially in a climate where Australia is competing with other advanced economies in attracting overseas talent and capital.
For too long, many people have been left in a state of limbo, unable to gain citizenship because of a mix of administrative complexity and inflexible rules. One of the key priorities must be getting people off temporary visa status and on to a more permanent footing where they can contribute and enjoy the benefits of citizenship.
As the report notes, permanence and citizenship must be the hallmarks of our system, not one that leaves people stranded in temporary migration.
Those with overseas qualifications can face a bewildering maze of bureaucratic and industry red tape in having qualifications recognised.
Minister O’Neil describes the system as “broken” and says it requires wholesale reform.
Australia’s long and successful history of migration has played a key part in building diverse workforce skills and community engagement.
CORE welcomes the Minister’s commitment to reform and looks forward to bringing its expertise to the discussion so that many more people have the opportunity to settle in Australia, educate their children and play an active and productive part in their communities.