Tobacco Control Project
We discovered there was a number of refugee and migrant clients who used our services, that smoke. As an organisation that believes in the betterment of the society, we thrive on educating our clients on the impacts of smoking and how detrimental.
We understand there has been no direct correlation between refugees and migrant health promotion, we decided to take a risk an apply for this submission in order to best cater to the community. We believe working in partnership and in consultation with the community is what we do best.
We aim to reduce the number of tobacco users in Fairfield LGA within the Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese communities by having a engaged approached that would have direct consultation with the community members.
Language based resources
Arabic resources
Audio to Breathless
Arabic Poster
Arabic Videos (Ambassador Video & Breathless Webseries)
Chinese resources
Audio to Breathless
Videos (Ambassador Video & Breathless Webseries)
Vietnamese Resources
Audio to Breathless
Videos (Ambassador Video & Breathless Webseries)
Our Ambassadors of Change
No More Butts works with community leaders within the local area to be ambassadors of change.
Arabic Speaking Ambassador: Jalil
Mr. Jalil Doman
You can quit smoking!! There are a wide range of quit smoking strategies to choose from because different quit smoking methods will work better for different people. Choose the strategy that is best for you and your needs.
If this strategy doesn’t work, maybe another will. For many people, the best approach may be a combination of quit strategies.
Jalil Doman’s father died from a smoking-related illness and Jalil himself suffered from severe throat inflections. He started smoking as a young student, but the infections made him reflect on what his life might be like in 20 to 30 years’ time. Quitting changed his life.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Arabic language on 1300 7848 03
Mr. Jalil Doman
You can quit smoking!! There are a wide range of quit smoking strategies to choose from because different quit smoking methods will work better for different people. Choose the strategy that is best for you and your needs.
If this strategy doesn’t work, maybe another will. For many people, the best approach may be a combination of quit strategies.
Jalil Doman’s father died from a smoking-related illness and Jalil himself suffered from severe throat inflections. He started smoking as a young student, but the infections made him reflect on what his life might be like in 20 to 30 years’ time. Quitting changed his life.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Arabic language on 1300 7848 03
Vietnamese Ambassador: Van Chung Duong
Mr. Van Chung Duong
CORE Community Services supported by a community grant from the Cancer Institute of NSW has been working with Fairfield community leaders and their communities since late 2018 to develop programs to educate target audiences from Vietnamese, Chinese and Arabic background about the dangers of smoking and to support people in making decisions to quit smoking and to increase knowledge of the support available to quit smoking.
His Doctor warned Van that his lungs were ‘weak’. This is his story about how he quit smoking in 1989 citing the real dangers to smokers and their families. The first priority Mr Van says is to make the decision to quit.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Vietnamese language on1300 7848 65
Mr. Van Chung Duong
CORE Community Services supported by a community grant from the Cancer Institute of NSW has been working with Fairfield community leaders and their communities since late 2018 to develop programs to educate target audiences from Vietnamese, Chinese and Arabic background about the dangers of smoking and to support people in making decisions to quit smoking and to increase knowledge of the support available to quit smoking.
His Doctor warned Van that his lungs were ‘weak’. This is his story about how he quit smoking in 1989 citing the real dangers to smokers and their families. The first priority Mr Van says is to make the decision to quit.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Vietnamese language on1300 7848 65
Chinese Ambassador: John He
Mr. John He
Stress from studying and working set John on a dangerous path – smoking for 14 to 15 years. He cut out the cigarettes last year after many failed attempts. Constant coughing, trouble breathing, weight loss and feeling weak took its toll. His secret is to keep busy to feel the benefits of a healthier life.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Chinese Language on 1300 7848 36
Mr. John He
Stress from studying and working set John on a dangerous path – smoking for 14 to 15 years. He cut out the cigarettes last year after many failed attempts. Constant coughing, trouble breathing, weight loss and feeling weak took its toll. His secret is to keep busy to feel the benefits of a healthier life.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you. or call Multilingual Quitline Advisors in Chinese Language on 1300 7848 36
How will this happen?
We are working together with the Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese communities - to get involved!
We're holding educational workshops and info-session with bilingual educators as well as running a media campaign aligned with this to highlight the take away learning to the community groups. A framed message that is created by the community will then have community members wanting to be a part of change.
Arabic speaking resources
Chinese resources
Vietnamese Resources
Breathless - Webseries
Breathless - Jamal
Jamal is worried about his younger brother Adel. Adel is a smoker who ignores Jamal’s efforts to get him to attend social support group sessions to quit smoking. Finally, Jamal hands Adel a pamphlet that explains in Arabic the impact of smoking and how to get help to kick the habit.
Double your chances of quitting smoking. Find out how by using our confidential and free service provided by qualified counsellors who put together a personal program tailored for you.
Visit or call the Quitline on 13 78 48 for tips and advice to Quit smoking. Multilingual Quitline advisors available in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and Vietnamese
Breathless - Kenny
Breathless - Kenny #NoMoreButts
Breathless - Kenny
Breathless is a web series based on 3 individuals whose lives intertwine at a social support group.
Kenny’s grandmother has lung cancer, but she has never smoked. Kenny learns that passive smoking by breathing in second-hand smoke from smokers can seriously affect family members or those nearby. He takes steps to quit smoking.
Breathless - Kenny #NoMoreButts
Breathless - Tam
Breathless - Tam
Tam says she is not really a smoker because she only smokes when she is stressed out or nervous. A counsellor tells Tam there is no such thing as ‘safe smoking’ and that smoking during pregnancy can affect the health of a baby. Tam explores her options for quitting.
Get in touch with us today, we’d love to hear from you.