Come Join Us!

Ever wanted to learn a new skill, attend an health education session or how about a trip somewhere in Sydney?

Now you can, we deliver a variety of classes, event and trips based on the local community needs and aim to bring together our community. We help to ensure all Australians feel included and valued, giving everyone the opportunity to participate fully in society.

We’re about connecting local communities, workmates, family and friends to build and strengthen relationships and networks, addressing isolation and exclusion by supporting people who may be unable to help themselves.

Our Office

Corner Railway Parade and McBurney Road Cabramatta NSW 2166

Post: PO Box 367 Cabramatta NSW 2166

Phone: (02) 9727 0477

Fax: (02) 9728 6080


Our Location


Get in touch with us today, we’d love to hear from you.

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