Intensive Support

Through community partners, the team provides accommodation and support to young people under 25 years of age who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across south west Sydney, with an emphasis on young people aged 16-19 years.

Building on young people’s independence and assisting them to secure long-term accommodation. To also build partnerships within the community to work collaboratively in helping young people who are homeless or at risk.

The help you need

The Youth Intensive Support Team engage with young people to develop new skills and perspectives and increase their engagement in education, employment, training and community activities.

The Youth Intensive Support Team have a strong partnership with community housing organisations including Hume Housing, Housing NSW, My Foundation and Argyle Housing to provide a medium term accommodation solution for young homeless people.

Young people are provided with one-on- one case management with our professional and caring staff to achieve positive change to their lives.


Get in touch with us today, we’d love to hear from you.

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