Happy Holidays! Be sure to keep safe this season!
Some tips if you are traveling this holiday season
1. Keep all doors and windows locked!
2. Have a family member or friend attend to your house to keep your home looking occupied and collect mail.
3. Turn off your main water supply. Leaks happen.
4. Unplug all electronics. Yep, even if they’re not on, your electronics are energy vampires.
5. Don’t leave a hide-a-key.
6. If you are gone for a while, have someone mow the lawn/shovel the driveway
7. Don’t leave spare keys out (This counts for car keys)
8. Keep your social media limited to your “holiday posts”, burglars are now using social media to identify those who are on holiday and target them. (Your geotagging at home snaps will enable them to locate you at your residence)
We hope you stay safe and have a lot of laughter and love this holiday season!