Our Preschool is a well-established early learning centre that provides an inclusive and supportive learning experience for your child with a focus on children from culturally and linguistically diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as serving a number of children with additional needs.
Our philosophy in teaching is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow. We believe in teaching through a variety of experiences that are fun, educational, creative, and open-ended, where children are able to achieve and build confidence. This includes indoor and outdoor activities as well as planned play experiences that give children the opportunity to develop their social, moral, emotional, communication, thinking, and physical skills.
We can help with:
Supporting children with all different learning abilities in an inclusive environment
Promoting transparency by encouraging parents to also participate in their child's learning journey
Excursions & incursions to empower social and developmental skills
Establishing routines and practices
Building skills to get ready for school
Who can access this service?
Our early learning centre is available to families with children aged 3–6 years and living and / or working in Cabramatta or the surrounding area.
Hours of Operation
We are open from 9.00 am – 3.30 pm, Monday to Fridays.
Our Preschool is located on the corner of Railway Parade and McBurney Roadin Cabramatta (between the Whitlam Library and CORE Community ServicesHead Office).
CORE Community Services Preschool provides educational programs based on the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child. We support children’s intellectual and language development and provide a solid foundation for life-long learning. We work collaboratively with organisations to provide your children with the care, opportunity, respect and empowerment they require to be the future of tomorrow.
Our workshops provide assistance and support for the parents and their children. We strongly encourage conversations and feedback between parents and guardians on topics of interest this helps us improve our services andcontinue to support our community.