Our settlement services support newly arrived migrant, refugees and humanitarian entrants residing in Fairfield LGA during the first five years of arrival in Australia. Our service aims to improve access to mainstream services, address special settlement needs and help develop skills and confidence to navigate their settlement journey.
Some of the services we provide are:
We provide information, advice and referrals to newly arrived refugee and migrant to assist them to transition to new life in Australia. Our culturally competent, bilingual staff are here to help in your journey.
We work in partnership with schools and Intensive English centres to provide various services and support to young people from refugee and migrant background.
This program identifies and advocates to address various social issues affecting newly arrived migrants and refugees in the Fairfield local government area including employment, integration, housing, education, settlement, amongst others.
Employment, Education and Training project aims at unlocking the barriers newly arrived refugees, migrants and humanitarian entrants face in trying to access the job market.
It provides following services:
The project establishes as well will raise and advocates on client’s and community identified issues and concerns at relevant forums and networks. Each year we run an Employment Expo in conjunction with a number of other organisations. The Employment Expo offers local refugees, migrants and humanitarian entrants an opportunity to connect with organisations who can help them access the job market, from TAFE providers to resume writing professionals.
View our calendar to see when the next Employment Expo is scheduled.
Established in 2000 and convened by CORE Community Services. The forum identifies and addresses the needs of Fairfield’s newly arrived, small and emerging communities through community development and advocacy to facilitate full participation and social inclusion. It has 65 organisational members and delivers practical projects such as the Fairfield Employment Expo and Refugee Week celebrations
Established in the late 1980’s and co-convened by CORE Community Services and Fairfield City Council. FMI includes local ethnic groups, neighborhood centres, government and non-government organisations, including SETS providers. It shares settlement trends, challenges, and innovations, and makes policy submissions on community needs and issues.
FESF is co-convened by CORE, Services Australia, DEWR and Global Skills, with 30 member organisations. FESF facilitates collaborative servicing for greater employment and training outcomes for SETS clients. It shares information and improves connections between governments, providers and CALD communities.
FDVC is convened by CORE Community Services with the support of Fairfield City Council. The committee involves 40 member organisations. The Fairfield Domestic Violence Committee (FDVC) aims to respond to and reduce the incidence of Domestic Violence and Family Violence through the development of partnerships, awareness, education and training and increased coordination of service provision in the Fairfield Local Government Area.