
Youth Services

The CORE Youth Team provides a variety of services and supports to young people aged 10-25 including ongoing case management, access to refuges and accommodation services, AOD case management, mentoring programs, school workshops and presentation, community BBQ’s and community events, child and family specific education and support as well as school holiday and recreational programs.

The CORE Youth Team respect young people from all cultural and religious backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender diversities and will support young people regardless of health status, difficult or complex behaviours or past mistakes. This allows us to:

Provide a tailored and individualised approach
Provide a tailored and individualised approach, that identifies a strength bases and trauma informed approach when engaging with young people and their families.
Empowers young people to identify goals and activities
Empowers young people to identify goals and activities, develop confidence and skills so they are able to advocate for their needs and are able to access services to support them long term.
Successfully support young people to ascertain stable
Successfully support young people to ascertain stable accommodation and exit out of homelessness.

Who we can help?

The CORE Youth Team support young people living in the following local government areas(LGA’s)

The Youth Refuge supports young people 12–19 years old to access short term (3 months) accommodation due to homelessness. This program has two independent houses, offering accommodation to five young people aged 12–15 year and six young people aged 16–19year. These homes provide young people with individual rooms and shared commonareas. Staff will work with young people towards family restoration and or work towards medium accommodation options and their transiti on into independent living. This program provides client centred case management, targeting the development of living skills and connection with appropriate services so they can successfully transition out of homelessness. This includes support with education and or work, health and medical support, brokerage, and out reach support.

Youth Frontiers is a pilot early intervention mentoring program funded by the Department of Communities and Justice.

CORE offers the Youth Frontiers Mentoring Program to young women aged 10 to 17 in the Fairfield local government area. This voluntary program matches mentees with community mentors based on personality, shared interests, and cultural background. Mentees receive support to develop life skills, build positive connections with peers and the community and improve individual confidence and well-being. Through a mentee-led matching process, they will have the opportunity to take charge of their involvement in the program. Over the course of 12 months, the young person can receive at least 52 hours of one-on-one mentoring support. 

Group mentoring brings together a small number of mentors and mentees which empowers young women, fosters supportive relationships and provides social and recreational activities to improve the health and wellbeing of the young people within the program.

The Targeted Earlier Intervention program provides support to young people aged 12 to 25 who are at risk of negative outcomes due to reduced education or employment, social isolation, and poor mental health.  In addition, we support young people who are newly arrived to Australian and or may have limited English and understanding of Australian laws. This program aims to intervene early and provide education, information and or access to supports which will promote positive developmental outcomes and connections within the community. This program engages with young people in schools by providing workshops and resources to meet the needs at the grass roots level. This program also engages in several community events, promoting diversity, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging.  Activities such as school holiday programs, community BBQs, and educational programs allow young people to learn, grow, and positively connect with others in their community.

The Early Intervention and Prevention Program provides case management support for young people aged 12 to 25 across Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee LGA’s. This service identifies and addresses issues and difficulties impacting young people and their families, before they become more significant and potentially lead to family breakdown and homelessness. 


This program also manages all intake and referrals for young people who are without a permanent home who may be couch surfing, in temporary accommodation or rough sleeping and can offer case management support to access various types of accommodation support and wrap around services. 


Through tailored casework support, the program offers young people the necessary tools and resources to overcome challenges, strengthen relationships and connection to their communities and increase access to specialized services. This program also offers social and recreational school holiday programs and involvement in community events.

The Intensive Support Program assists young people, siblings and young families aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by providing access to transitional accommodation for up to 18 months through our partnership with Hume Community Housing across Liverpool and Fairfield LGAs. This program assists young people to live independently, obtain and maintain a tenancy and assist young people through intensive case management. This includes support with education, training and employment, financial management, living skills, parenting education, legal issues, accessing disability/health/mental health and AOD services. In addition, this program provides brokerage support to assist with various household items and establishment costs as well as specific funding to support access to tutoring, short courses, devices, identification and citizenship documents, driving lessons and complex medical assessments. ISP assist young people to access stable, longer term housing options at the conclusion of the program and the skills necessary to sustain them.

The Rent Choice Youth Program assists young people and young families aged 16-24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to access a subsidy for private rentals through Homes NSW.  Homes NSW pays a portion of the young person’s rent calculated on their income, directly to the real estate, for a period of up to 3 years. Over the course of the 2nd and 3rd year, the young person’s rent is tapered and reassessed every 3 months. The weekly income limit for this program is $690.  This program provides case management support to ensure young people are assisted with education and employment that will help them to afford the rent on their own. Limited financial support can be provided for set up costs associated with their tenancy and study or work needs.

CORE Community Services provides young people aged 12 to 24 years, living in the Fairfield and Liverpool LGA’s with AOD case management support. Comprehensive initial assessments allow individual case plans to be developed, include short-term and long-term client focused goals that would reduce and or eliminate drug and alcohol misuse, whilst also providing access to other services and supports. This program will link young people with services, such as rehabilitation facilities, SMART recovery programs, housing options as well as advocate through the justice system. In addition, the AOD Caseworkers deliver early intervention programs/workshops within schools including drug awareness and impacts on the developing body, as well as the impacts of smoking and vaping. 
Homelessness NSW member

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